Update on the July 10 NfA Fundraiser with Gillian and Buskaid
Posted at 10:00 AM (PDT) on Thursday, May 27, 2004
This might be of interest to all the collectors out there: "Tickets will be handmade so will be exclusive to this event."
Also, it has come to our attention that there seems to be some confusion regarding who is officially organising the July 10 event to benefit NfA and Buskaid. Even though Roberta Tweedy is no longer the director of NfA, she is nevertheless still very much involved with them and in charge of organising this event. Since charitable organisations often rely on the help of volunteers, they have also accepted two fans' offer to make the tickets, help in decorating the venue, and do some of the catering. These fans are merely lending a helping hand and are not involved in 'organising' the event. Absolutely no one, not even the volunteers, will have access to the event without first donating the minimum requested amount in exchange for one of the lovely handmade tickets.
For information on this event, please click here.