Sample Letter:
Dear Representative ____________,
I am writing to request your support for federal funding for Neurofibromatosis (NF) research. Significant advances in NF research have been made over the past year and leading researchers are now on the threshold of a treatment and a cure for this terrible disease.
NF involves the uncontrolled growth of tumors along the nervous system, which can result in terrible disfigurement, deformity, deafness, blindness, brain tumors, cancer, and death. NF is the most common neurological disorder caused by a single gene and it affects approximately 100,000 Americans. However, because of NF’s close connection to many common diseases and disorders, such as cancer, learning disabilities, memory loss, and heart disease, research on NF stands to benefit 175 MILLION Americans in this generation alone.
Specifically, we are seeking an appropriation of $25 million for the Army’s NF research program in FY 2006. We are also seeking support for the inclusion of Report language on NF research, similar to the language approved in the FY 2005 Labor, Health, and Human Services and Education Appropriations bill.
NF is directly linked to military purposes because, as mentioned above, it is closely linked to cancer, brain tumors, learning disabilities, brain tissue degeneration, nervous system degeneration, deafness, and balance. Because NF manifests itself in the nervous system, the Army-supported research on NF addresses peripheral nerve regeneration after injury from such things as missile wounds and chemical toxins, and is important to gaining a better understanding of wound healing. NF research now includes important investigations into genetic mechanisms which involve not just the nervous system but also other cancers.
The modest investment in NF research has already resulted in major breakthroughs toward a treatment and a cure for this terrible disease. However, I believe that we must continue to invest in research if we are to continue to advance toward treatments and cures for the numerous diseases associated with NF.
Please contact the office of Rep. Gutierrez, Rep. Sweeney, Rep. Michaud or Rep. Renzi to sign onto the letters supporting NF research.
Thank you for your attention to this request.
IMPORTANT: For letters to Senators, replace the last paragraph with: "Please contact Senator Tom Harkin's office to sign onto the letters supporting NF research."