News Archive: August 2011
Message from Gillian
Posted at 10:22 AM (PDT) on Wednesday, August 31, 2011
So, every day for a week after the event in L.A. on July 30, I was going to post something because I was so strongly moved by everyone who turned up - and aside from being such a well produced event, it was such a lovely atmosphere all around - but then, as most things do, as you will have learned if you were present on that day, it slipped my mind.
I know that Chris and David felt the same way, both about my mind and the event and both remarked to me afterwards ‘let’s do it again!’ which we will maybe every couple of years.
I don’t know quite what it was. Was it the intimacy? Or that it was a tight run ship of like-minded smiling people getting a long awaited itch scratched? Or the fact that David did not come prepared which set the tone for a free fall of off-the-cuff silliness? Or was it simply my brilliant questions and seemingly bottomless sense of humor? Hard to say. BUT!!, I had a blast and I thank everyone who spent a penny more than they should have to be present for our truly wonderful evening.
Oh and I hear thru the grapevine that there were some truly unhappy people at the event and while I'd rather not get involved in the emotional aspects of it all, perhaps someone can lead a productive compassionate forum on what they might have liked to see done differently so that perchance all of us can learn how to make it better next time.
From my standpoint, the event ran quite smoothly, so I’m thinking perhaps negative experiences were due to exactly that reason and I am therefore truly sorry that in protecting me, others were not. May this be the beginning of a proactive and long living relationship.
And BTW, Michelle of SA-YES cried buckets when we told her how much you guys raised that day. Thank you from the bottoms of both of our buckets,
Gillian (the one in the red shirt)
Running Buddy Needed
Posted at 2:56 PM (PDT) on Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sabine Schmidt, who ran on behalf of SA-YES in the London 10k last July, is about to challenge herself further by running a half marathon in Cologne, Germany on September 4. Sabine has very kindly chosen to run for the same organization again. If you would like to show your support by sponsoring Sabine, please visit her Virgin Money Giving Page.
If you live in the Cologne region and would like to take up this challenge yourself, Sabine would be more than happy to have a running buddy. For further details on this event please visit the half marathon website.
CableFAX Interview
Posted at 2:15 PM (PDT) on Monday, August 1, 2011
Interview with Gillian Anderson By Mike Grebb August 1, 2011
...Anderson sat down with CableFAX’s Michael Grebb at TCA in L.A. to discuss the role (Elizabeth in "Moby Dick"), her X-Files legacy and of course how we can start a campaign to get her a guest spot on Showtime’s "Californication."
CableFAX: Great. I’m going to start a campaign to get you a guest spot on “Californication.” Gillian: OK, please do because we’re actually doing a question-and-answer thing tomorrow at a charity event, and that’s one of the questions I have: Why haven’t they offered me a guest spot on Californication? CableFAX: Seriously. Gillian: It’s a no brainer! How funny would that be to be a completely, completely different character. CableFAX: Right. It can’t be anything like Scully. Gillian: And it has to be sexual—because how weird would that be? It would just be weird to see this person who was Scully, and anyway… we’ll start the campaign. CableFAX: Are they going to do another X-Files movie? Gillian: I think everybody hopes that they will. I don’t know who’s manning that campaign. I don’t know who’s writing the script, but I hope somebody is. I think we’d all be up for it. It’s just a matter of the studio getting on board, I think. That’s another campaign. We’ll have to do that campaign too. CableFAX: Absolutely. Gillian: Ok, great.
Full Interview
Bullz-Eye.com Chat
Posted at 9:36 AM (PDT) on Monday, August 1, 2011
A chat with Gillian Anderson of STARZ "Moby Dick" by Will Harris Interview Date: 07/29/2011 Bullz-Eye
BE: What was it like playing Elizabeth? As mentioned, it’s not one that’s really appeared in previous adaptations.
Gillian: I mean, my understanding, from what Nigel has said in the past, being the one who adapted it, is that it was a way to bring the community that you see out on the boat…he said today that she represented all of the other women that were left behind. And that’s a very important aspect of the community section of the story, in that she represents the female contingent that has their own experience when the men get on the boat and go off and…their fates often follow the same as Ahab’s. And, also, I think it humanizes Ahab in a way that he’s not necessarily humanized in the novel.
Full Interview
IBG's Conversation Series: A Huge Success!
Posted at 9:02 AM (PDT) on Monday, August 1, 2011
On Saturday, 30 July 2011, IBG gathered in Beverly Hills for a special, extended version of their ongoing Conversation Series, featuring Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny, along with special guest, Chris Carter, to raise money for SA-YES.
Unlike other Conversation Series events, this time there was no moderator - instead, Gillian and David asked each other questions, and engaged in a real conversation that was both hilarious and poignant.
They were later joined by Chris Carter, and the three chatted and answered questions from the audience. After the main portion, VIP ticket holders had the opportunity to partake in an autograph session with Gillian and Chris, and those who purchased separate photo tickets received one-on-one posed photos with Gillian Anderson!!
There were also meet-and-greets prior to the event, and two lucky raffle winners also received the opportunity to head backstage for their own brief meeting with Gillian and David.
Inspired by the creative opportunities to raise money for SA-YES, Gillian surprised those awaiting for their one-on-one photos with her by ducking into the room and auctioning off the paper she'd printed her questions for David on, offering to sign it and personalize the message!!
Over 32,000 USD has been raised from this event thus far, with upcoming auctions of signed memorabilia to come.
Some PHOTOS taken at the event.
Thank you very much IBG Inc.!!!
On YouTube - At the IBG Conversation Series Charity Event, Gillian Anderson posed the following question to David Duchovny: "Why have I never been offered a guest role on Californication?" And the crowd went wild! **This is not professionally corrected footage or DVD quality sound.** To buy the professional footage on DVD, please visit IBG Inc.'s Store to pre-order the DVD.
Gillian Anderson talks 'Moby Dick'
Posted at 8:29 AM (PDT) on Monday, August 1, 2011
Goodbye Mulder, hello Ahab: Gillian Anderson talks 'Moby Dick' August 1, 2011 Los Angeles Times
"It’s all about material to me. People to come to me with classics over there [in Britain], I’ve been invited into that world. I did a [the stage version] of “A Doll’s House” at the Donmar Warehouse [in London] and that wasn’t somebody coming to me, I stepped into that. I like to be challenged and sometimes it’s the classics that are the most challenging."