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March 31, 2001 y_chat_diva: Hello everyone y_chat_diva: welcome to Yahoo! Chat y_chat_diva: We've got an awesome event coming up y_chat_diva: with Gillian Anderson y_chat_diva: and she is joining us to talk about Buskaid and the auction to raise money for Buskaid y_chat_diva: Right now y_chat_diva: you can bid on two cool experiences y_chat_diva: the LA concert and reception package y_chat_diva: and the London concert and reception package y_chat_diva: In addition y_chat_diva: There are some autographed Buskaid T-shirts going up on auction tonight y_chat_diva: You can sneak a peek at them here: /buskaid/black.jpg y_chat_diva: and here /buskaid/white.jpg y_chat_diva: There are five total... three black and two white katherine_ds: Is she here yet? y_chat_diva: She's here! y_chat_diva: Let's get settled y_chat_diva: please welcome Gillian Anderson to Yahoo! y_chat_diva: hello and welcome! gillian_anderson_live: It's nice to be here .... in my house! gillian_anderson_live: With all of you. gillian_anderson_live: Thank you for coming. peakie00: whats buskaid gillian_anderson_live: There is the Buskaid music school ... and there is the string project ... and there is a woman named Rosemary Nalden, who is a viola-ist gillian_anderson_live: in London. She decided to give up her cushy job and move to gillian_anderson_live: teach young kids to play classical music in Soweto, and she has transformed their lives. gillian_anderson_live: They are amazing musicians and a symbol of hope and what can be accomplished from the townships of Soweto to performing at Royce Hall in Los Angeles. gillypeep: Hi Gillian! We were wondering what exactly is your role going to be in this coming weeks Buskaid performance? Are you hosting it? Thanks! --Mary and Becca :) gillian_anderson_live: I'm going to be there with the kids and supporting them and I'll be at all the events they'll be playing at throughout this next week, and I'll be talking on the stage and sitting in the audience, hopefully. And celebrating with them afterwards. Meredith_Gillian: Gillian thank you so much for coming! These charity events you host give me and I'm sure many other people the chance to meet new people (and in my case my best friends)- while also supporting a great cause, how do u feel when u see such a large response? gillian_anderson_live: It's fantastic! gillian_anderson_live: If as many people who are here today can come, that would be even better! gillian_anderson_live: But just the fact that people are interested in this, and of being of service and meeting people and watching people's lives transform. That's an extraordinary thing. im_a_jean: Why did you decided to support Buskaid? ---Jenna, London gillian_anderson_live: I loved the idea of this woman who was a professional musician in London, having the courage to give up everything that was safe and comfortable and move to a very dangerous area of South Africa to be of service to these kids who she didn't know. gillian_anderson_live: I also love what the school represents in terms of Soweto being a place of very little opportunity. That these kids who have nothing but an instrument, put their focus into the instrument and become a musician such that they can play for royalty and travel around the world. gillian_anderson_live: And if they can have this focus, anyone can have this focus. tube_station_at_midnight: the auction for buskaid is a great idea, but some of us don't earn that kind of money, is there a way we can just make a small affordable donation without having to bid on these big prizes gillian_anderson_live: Oh, absolutely! gillian_anderson_live: There are ways to make donations. gillian_anderson_live: I wish I had the phone number ..... gillian_anderson_live: www.buskaid.org.za gillian_anderson_live: You can make donations there. gillian_anderson_live: Thank you. agent_eire: Gillian how much do you think you will raise in the auction? gillian_anderson_live: I really don't know. gillian_anderson_live: We're also accepting donations as invitations have gone out. People making donations while buying tickets. There have been many initial costs in bringing the kids over and putting these events together. So once those costs are fulfilled, hopefully there will be a chunk left for them to take home and help with the school. gillian_anderson_live: The goal is to make the school bigger so they can teach more kids and hire more teachers. Also so Rosemary can get back into the classroom and not have to deal with fundraising and administrative duties. twinkletreb: I love you Gillian... Have you been to South Africa? if not, do you plan to go there one day? gillian_anderson_live: I have not. gillian_anderson_live: I've wanted all my life to go to Africa. I have a feeling that once I go, I'll never come back. But I do plan to go, yes. dana_owen: Hi Gillian, Hope you are your family are well, I would like to say a big thank you for all the gay/lesbian events that you support , you are doing a great job.:) Also do you know of other way to purchase tickets for the Buskaid in London as It is my 21st birthday on that day and me and my partner have been frantically bidding but unfortunitly the bidding has gone outta our legue and I am so dissapointed, to not see you for the first time on my 21st birthday... Hope you can help????? gillian_anderson_live: Yes. On my website ... the www.gilliananderson.ws/index.html gillian_anderson_live: there should be information about how to purchase tickets. gillian_anderson_live: If not, I'll make a note to make sure that that's posted after this. saorsa13: Hi Gillian, greetings from Pender Island B.C. , I want to thank you for making it possible for people to hear music that otherwise may have never been heard. It's truly a great gift and I think you're an incredible woman. Any plans to do similar events in the future with different music? gillian_anderson_live: Quite possibly. Music has always been a huge part of my life and many different kinds of music. I have no doubt that once this particular day job is over, my life will start to expand in many different areas. And hopefully music will be one of those areas. jon_the_seeker: Okay, a short and simple question: any new films in the works, that you could tell us about? ;) gillian_anderson_live: No. gillian_anderson_live: I'm taking the summer off. eri_call: Hi, as a South African, I was wondering: why did you choose to support the struggling artists our little country on the opposite side of the world? gillian_anderson_live: Hello! gillian_anderson_live: I feel like I've already answered that question, but I want to acknowledge the fact that you're writing in from South Africa and that's so exciting! gillian_anderson_live: It's just because I feel like there's something about Africa, for me. I don't know what that is yet ... but hopefully i will know before too long. eternal_constant: Have you met with any of the people involved in this cause? What effect has it had on you, and are there any moments that stick out in your mind so far? gillian_anderson_live: I have only met Rosemary. We met in London last year. We were there at the same time. I'm meeting the kids in about 2 hours. gillian_anderson_live: So I've got nothing to report yet ...... halinterrupter: What're your expectation about this project and the collaboration of the people? gillian_anderson_live: I'm just glad that they made it here safely, that they have this opportunity to play and that people have an opportunity to hear them. And I hope that whether it's individuals being inspired just for themselves, or inspired to start other projects like this ..... gillian_anderson_live: ... time will tell. gillian_anderson_live: One other thing we're doing at the Royce hall event is putting up information about all the opportunities available to kids in all areas of creativity in L.A.. From west L.A. to south central. gillian_anderson_live: Just to educate people about what is out there for kids. leolady19682001: Hi Gillian, how are you? when you're in London do you feel like you're coming home? or is living in London a distant memory? gillian_anderson_live: I always feel like I'm coming home when I go to London. It's one of the places where I feel most at home. I hope to eventually live there, part-time, again. angiescully: Will you be hosting it in England as well? (It is coming to England isn't it? I'm considering flying over there to go to the concert.) gillian_anderson_live: Yes. gillian_anderson_live: I will be hosting. I don't know if it's called "hosting", but I will be there, doing something. lucyxscully: Hi Gillian My name is Lucy and i'm brazilian. I don't speak English, but i will try understand you and your answers. gillian_anderson_live: Hi Lucy. Jhalaqen: How has your involvement with Buskaid affected your own focus in life? gillian_anderson_live: I tend to be a pretty focused person anyway, but participating in this project has woken me up about some things and gotten me excited about new things and gotten me frustrated about the current situation in schools and lack of arts education and creative time for children. gillian_anderson_live: So it's given me more areas to get more riled up and want to do something about. lafr2001: Gillian, aside from their time in school learning music, what is the children's everyday life like? gillian_anderson_live: That's a very good question. I think they spend a lot of time in school. Usually, they rehearse their instruments at home in the evening, and then they go into the Buskaid school on the weekends and rehearse for hours. And I'm sure many of them are participating in taking care of other family members. They have other responsibilities. piedaze: Is it possible for people from overseas to donate? (I am from the land down under) gillian_anderson_live: Yeah! I think it's the same place ... at that buskaid website. gillian_anderson_live: www.buskaid.org.za cortbarracuda: Greeting from Woodstock ,On.It's great that you do charity workand I was just wondering is charity a way of letting go of the hollywood lifestyle and clensing yourself? gillian_anderson_live: Yeah, in a sense. gillian_anderson_live: That's actually a very good analogy. gillian_anderson_live: Absolutely. gillian_anderson_live: Maybe it just balances out all the icky other stuff. There's just so much icky about it. Even after press junkets ... when you come home ... after the 9 hours you've been sitting and talking about yourself. At the end of the day, you want to go out and feed homeless people. gillian_anderson_live: In the daily job of acting, it's a lot of giving and of energy and self. But there's a lot of getting that takes place, so to be able to give in altruistic and charitable ways ... it helps it all balance out in the right way. angiescully: First of all, Gillian, I think you're great for doing this. This is the first time I've been able to join in on something like this. Now, for my question. *smiles* I love the dresses you've worn to the recent award shows, etc. Do you choose your own dresses? Because if you do, keep going with the bare-back ones! (Sorry for asking such a silly question, but I'm drawing a complete blank over here.) gillian_anderson_live: Thank you. gillian_anderson_live: I've recently discovered a designer by the name of Eduardo Lucero. gillian_anderson_live: Who I love! gillian_anderson_live: He just happens to make some really nice dresses without backs! jaxjaguar9: Hi Gillian, I think is really great the wonderful things you have done and contribute your time and effort in such great projects. I look forward to the upcoming auction by your website GAWS not just for the items but also to contribute to the cause itself. You have a blessed heart. Hope these auction events are successful. Have a nice summer off. gillian_anderson_live: That's very sweet. gillian_anderson_live: Thank you. reelglad: Do you yourself play an instrument? Seeing such great performance always inspires me to learn, you? gillian_anderson_live: You know, I played the violin when I was really little. For about 5 years. And I picked one up a couple of summers ago because my sister plays. And I should have been shot. It was just dreadful. It's not something you pick up after 20 years. sherryyg: I would love to get involved in BuskAid. What's the best way to start volunteering, or is there some sort of program you can join? - Sherry, Orlando gillian_anderson_live: There's not really volunteering unless you're a teacher and want to move to South Africa. I don't know if there's volunteering ... gillian_anderson_live: There is a way to make contributions to the school, but so far, that's about it. katherine_ds: Can you describe yourself with 3 words.Please!!! gillian_anderson_live: No. gillian_anderson_live: I can't. gillian_anderson_live: To be really honest, it would take too long. gillian_anderson_live: I don't know what to say .... gillian_anderson_live: :) scarewok: what kind of music they play? gillian_anderson_live: Classical music. gillian_anderson_live: Folk music. gillian_anderson_live: Irish inspired. gillian_anderson_live: A whole range of classical oriented music. supermarket_hero: I would to take the opporutnity to say I loved the house of mirth. It moved me to tears. How many days shooting did it take to complete? gillian_anderson_live: A couple months. gillian_anderson_live: Thank you. lura60103: Fame, to me, seems like it must be a great big hassel. Are there any other ways, besides drawing attention to charity, that you feel you can use your fame in a positive way? Do you feel "pressure" to attach to one issue or another? gillian_anderson_live: I don't feel pressure to attach to issues. gillian_anderson_live: I feel frustrated often that I can't be involved in more issues. gillian_anderson_live: I guess in one's daily life and how one relates to the people in one's life. gillian_anderson_live: The close intimate relationships to strangers is another way to shed the onus of fame. whydontihaveadesk: What do you envision for this group of students for the future gillian_anderson_live: I would love for their hopes and aspirations to be realized. gillian_anderson_live: On a school standpoint, for them to be able to afford a larger space, more students and teachers. gillian_anderson_live: And for the existing students ... I think their dream is to be able to go off and play as professional musicians. For themselves, their families, and their townships ... I wish that for them. jesus_wept_i_laughed: Gillian, I just want to say I think you are so cool. I loved your song you did with Hal called Extremis. Will you do anything else like that? Also loved that Oscar thong! gillian_anderson_live: Oh, thank you! LOL. I don't plan to, but who knows .... to do anything else musically. I have no idea. It's quite possible. I also wanted to say that at the Palladium on Friday the 6th, there's Rock For Choice. I'm apparently hosting it. There were in need and I had the night off ... so what the hell ..... Meredith_Gillian: Gill, I've heard that the play "Fools for Love" in London you are planning on doing would benefit Buskaid, is there any set date when that will happen? gillian_anderson_live: That is misinformation. gillian_anderson_live: I am not doing Fools for Love in London. gillian_anderson_live: I was going to and then decided that I needed some time off. gillian_anderson_live: So .... sorry ..... eternal_constant: You've inspired many people to help out in causes around the world, do you have any advice for people who want to help so much, as you have? gillian_anderson_live: Try to get clear with what speaks to you. gillian_anderson_live: I get asked to participate in a lot of events and causes, and it's important to pay attention to which ones affect us on emotional and physiological levels. Ones that cause us to be the most passionate are usually where we need to put our focus. gillian_anderson_live: That will insure that it's not a fleeting and haphazard decision. Scullyisme: are you nervous about meeting these kids face to face? gillian_anderson_live: No. I'm actually really excited. gillian_anderson_live: I'm REALLY excited. gillian_anderson_live: I imagine it will be somewhat overwhelming for all of us. sublimefreke: I am at a Web Cafe right now and let me tell you about thirty people are watching the screen right now and we all want to say: WE ALL LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK MS. ANDERSON!!! gillian_anderson_live: Awwwwww ..... gillian_anderson_live: Where's the cafe???? whydontihaveadesk: What's been making you happy lately gillian_anderson_live: Solid protein bars. gillian_anderson_live: S'mores flavor. gillian_anderson_live: No, I'm joking. gillian_anderson_live: I'm actually NOT joking. gillian_anderson_live: But what else has been making me happy? gillian_anderson_live: The thought that I'm done with work as of April 5th gillian_anderson_live: and get to go up and be with my daughter. gillian_anderson_live: And ...... a book called "The Power of Now". gillian_anderson_live: It's the new Bible for everybody in the entire world. gillian_anderson_live: And ... a vase full of hyacinths is making me happy. sublimefreke: The Cafe is in Chicago Ms. Anderson gillian_anderson_live: WHERE in Chicago??????????? pipnostic: What's Rock for Choice and where is it to be held? gillian_anderson_live: It's at the Hollywood Palladium and it's one of the first events by the Women's Majority Foundation to celebrate a woman's right to choose, and remind people of the importance of that ability to choose and get it out there in a public way. gillian_anderson_live: Melissa Etheridge and Sarah McLachlan and Paula Cole and The Bangles are going to play, as well as others. annie_from_oz: Is " House of Mirth" going to be in world wide release? gillian_anderson_live: Oh, I'm sure. It has to be .... I think! gillian_anderson_live: I hope so! gothiquefaery: What is your preference : theatre, film or television? and why? gillian_anderson_live: Probably film. And then theatre. gillian_anderson_live: I'd normally say theatre first, but it's pretty damn terrifying at the same time, and that cancels out some of the enjoyment. gillian_anderson_live: Film with the right people. To work with an amazing script and amazing actors and an amazing director would be extraordinary. gillian_anderson_live: And theatre is like nothing else. gillian_anderson_live: But it's also absolutely terrifying. sublimefreke: Ms. Anderson the cafe is called Info C@fe gillian_anderson_live: But WHERE is it? What part of town? AgentCarolineX: Hi Gillian, I read "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb after your recommendation and I really enjoyed it. Is there other literature that you would also recommend? gillian_anderson_live: You know, the book "Map of the World." gillian_anderson_live: I know it came out as a movie, but the book is wonderful. gillian_anderson_live: I haven't read much fiction lately ..... gillian_anderson_live: Everybody just has to read "The Power of Now". Eckhart Tolle. There's just no other book. spookygwoman: I just wanted to thank you for your recommendation on the GAWS website of The Power of Now book. Reading it has been a life-changing experience for me and my husband. Thank you Ms. Anderson. You've shared something very special. I'll always be a fan of yours because you're an amazing actress but also for who you are as a person. gillian_anderson_live: I'm so happy you read that book! gillian_anderson_live: It's life-changing. gillian_anderson_live: It has that potential for everyone. cool_queen_rose: Hi Gillian, I'm from Jordan, my name is Razan. I just want to say that I love you so much, and I want to thank you for saving my life everyday! I get my strength from your strength and your personality. You have no idea how your words in the "Girl Boss" book changed my life and inspired me to be a much better and stronger woman. I owe you much, so, thank you...Luv :) gillian_anderson_live: Awwwww! gillian_anderson_live: That's fantastic! gillian_anderson_live: That's awesome!!!! gillian_anderson_live: THANK YOU. moomoobog: I was wondering: after 8 looooooong years of playing Scully, have there been moments when you just wanted to smack her? gillian_anderson_live: Oh, God ... yes. gillian_anderson_live: Also, you know, there are times when you just get tired. gillian_anderson_live: Just tired of doing the saaaaame thing over and over again. gillian_anderson_live: You know, yesterday at work I gave birth. gillian_anderson_live: For the entire day, I was pushing and pushing. gillian_anderson_live: It's exhausting. Ritzilein: Will you do another Trevor Project again? gillian_anderson_live: Most likely, yes. eri_call: I think it's great that celebrities like you are using their fame and influence to benefit others that are MUCH less fortunate than themselves. Well done! And it's just nice that South Africa gets some good exposure for once! irresistable2mulder: Gillian, do you feel that your life has taken all the right paths, or is there anything you wish you wouldv'e done differently??? gillian_anderson_live: The only thing I wish I'd done differently is paid more attention in school. gillian_anderson_live: But I'm starting to realize that I don't have memory. gillian_anderson_live: I have to start looking into this. gillian_anderson_live: I keep picking up these books that are short histories of people ... in history. gillian_anderson_live: I'll read a chapter and then move on to the next ... and a few days later, I've forgotten what I've read about. gillian_anderson_live: I have memory for certain things. Dialogue. And phone numbers. Incredible memory for phone numbers. gillian_anderson_live: But I can't remember history! Facts about stuff! gillian_anderson_live: I'm going to go to get tested somewhere to find out how truly delinquent I am. gillian_anderson_live: :) Fury_LMD: Did you take the role because you had read edith wharton's book or did you just like the script? gillian_anderson_live: I liked the script and had a vague memory of reading the novel ... case in point. And then after I took the role and read the novel again, I fell in love. lilfraze_2000: Congratulations Gillian. You do wonderful work, we can tell from over here in Scotland! You should be proud of yourself and everyone involved. Bless you all. gillian_anderson_live: Thank you :) netboy_002000: i really enjoyed you in "The Mighty"...when weill we see more film work from you gillian_anderson_live: I do not know. gillian_anderson_live: I probably won't be able to do anything until next summer ... gillian_anderson_live: ... so probably a good year and a half from now. shelly_50158: GILLIAN-DId you have a good time on the DAILY SHOW with JON STEWART? gillian_anderson_live: I never saw a tape of that! gillian_anderson_live: it was so much fun when I was there and then suddenly I was done ... windowlick3r: is this charity tax deductible gillian_anderson_live: Yes. weezy: Gillian, I think that you are a tremendous role model; Where do you see yourself in Five Years? gillian_anderson_live: I try not to. gillypeep: Hi Gillian, about those wmore protein bars, ::giggles::, What brand are they? Thanks! - Mary :) gillian_anderson_live: Solid Protein. gillian_anderson_live: They're in a white metallic wrapping. snowwhite223: You seem to be more animated when talking about your work for charity than you are when you talk about acting - do you consider charity to be your life's work more than you do acting? gillian_anderson_live: You're absolutely right. gillian_anderson_live: Because usually when I have to talk about acting, gillian_anderson_live: I have to be so careful to get the right information out. gillian_anderson_live: Like the specific stuff that I'm supposed to say and not supposed to say ... I have to remember the details about one character from another. gillian_anderson_live: It's just too damn much to remember! gillian_anderson_live: So I end up getting very closed and serious and my brain knows that it has to stay on its particular track as opposed to just speaking from my heart. y_chat_diva: plus you're sitting there for 9 hours gillian_anderson_live: The other thing too, is like .... when I have to present. gillian_anderson_live: It's the same thing. I get so serious. gillian_anderson_live: It's more to do with nerves, of being in front of 50 million people. I'm much better when I get to adlib. I get to loosen up. gillian_anderson_live: If I have to read what someone else has written, I turn into a piece of cardboard. snowwhite223: Do you think that after you're long time of playing Scully that some of her charater has mixed with yours? gillian_anderson_live: Oh, absolutely. I think Scully has become more me over the years. gillian_anderson_live: At some point, I let the character go to the wayside more and let myself come in a bit more. It's more of a balance, I think. gillian_anderson_live: And I've also tried to let her become a little different during the pregnancy. You know how when you're pregnant.... and you just change a little bit. gillian_anderson_live: You're not quite yourself. You say things a little bit differently. You feel dumb. You drop things. You trip. gillian_anderson_live: I tried to put some of that into the last episodes. You have to think of things to play with or you're just totally bored!!!! question: When I went to Chicago's Columbia College, a professor said that you attended Roosevelt University, just down the road -- is this true? gillian_anderson_live: No. gillian_anderson_live: Not one iota. anahawkman: light of "All Things," I, being a writer, was wondering if you ever write on your own, just for fun? --Meg gillian_anderson_live: You know, I've been keeping journals ever since I was little . gillian_anderson_live: That's mostly the writing that I do. gillian_anderson_live: It's a challenge for me to even get creative in my journal writing as opposed to just writing down the facts because my time is so limited. gillian_anderson_live: That's something I look forward to when this job is over, to write free-form. I used to write poetry a lot. Especially when I quit smoking ... man, I turned into a genius poet when I quit smoking. It was only a few days ... jwettig: Did you push Jon into quitting smoking? gillian_anderson_live: Oh, no. But you know, Robert Patrick just quit. kat_linton: I think it's absolutely amazing how you can work so hard and still have the energy for charity! Is there anything that you do just for yourself, to stay focused? gillian_anderson_live: Yeah. I do yoga. gillian_anderson_live: And ride a horse. gillian_anderson_live: And ... that's about it. gillian_anderson_live: That's all I have time for. tamrapica: I work on the FOX Lot - down the street from your stages actually - and you've almost run over my assistant TWICE!!! Have you always driven fast :) gillian_anderson_live: Oh My God!!!!! I'm so sorry! There are these stop signs all over the place ... stop signs get in the way ... gillian_anderson_live: But I'm sorry. jster13: Ever thought about doing stand-up? you are so funny on every talk show i see you on!! :) gillian_anderson_live: I don't know ...... gillian_anderson_live: Someday? gillian_anderson_live: It's nothing that can be planned. gillian_anderson_live: I think it would suit me more to do comedy. gillian_anderson_live: A comedy. gillian_anderson_live: A movie comedy. gillian_anderson_live: My humor only comes out in spontaneity gillian_anderson_live: and if anything was planned for me to say, I'd probably get really stiff and terribly boring. y_chat_diva: Thank you so much for chatting with us today! gillian_anderson_live: I'll double-check on those websites and stuff on that. gillian_anderson_live: Thanks everybody for coming! gillian_anderson_live: Thank you for supporting Buskaid and Trevor Project and me! gillian_anderson_live: And have a really good day! gillian_anderson_live: And don't kill anybody .... y_chat_diva: :D Thank you everyone! y_chat_diva: Check out http://www.buskaid.org.za/ for more on Buskaid y_chat_diva: For all your Buskaid auction info -- http://user.auctions.yahoo.com/show/auctions?userID=helpinghand20012001&u=%3ahelpinghand20012001 y_chat_diva: Remember y_chat_diva: at 8pET/5pPT tonight y_chat_diva: Five autographed T-Shirts will be up for bid y_chat_diva: Three black y_chat_diva: Two white y_chat_diva: You can view them now at: /buskaid/black.jpg y_chat_diva: and /buskaid/white.jpg y_chat_diva: As usual, the Gillian Anderson Website will have the info on the auctions -- y_chat_diva: Thanks again everyone poopyheadmsr: I`m proud of you that you take time for projekts like this for buskaid of NF,Inc. ukyo235: The Mighty was an excellent movie!! Congradulations on a great taste in movie scripts! lily_germany: Gillian your German fans love you!!!!!!! leolady19682001: I'd just like to say thank you to whoever organises this, well done. I did ask some questions but they didn't get posted but I still enjoyed reading all the other questions and answers!!!!! gleigha: Bye Gilliannnnn!!!! (a group of Spanish fans) scarewok: BYE EVERYONE!! pippy_fight: GILLIANNNNNNN!!!bye!!you're the best!! akatshe: Thanks Gillian! special_agent_fox_mulder1013: Bye Gillian! Thanks for coming! We love your work! gillianphiler: Thank you for evrything you do. You inspire me so much!! king_manual: Dont leave...please jelena021: you go, girl!!!! from Yugoslavia zrooby2000: you are wonderful woman :) pa_ardito: I LOVE YOUUUUUU katherine_ds: Love U Gillian. Don't forgett us! cores33: Gillian...have fun meeting those kids! dreamwriterdks: :D dana_muldur: Bye Gillian :) We just wanted to tell you that because of your openness and supportiveness of such a wide variety of causes, and because of the fact that you don't just limit yourself to the traditional charties, but that you reach out to those causes that are just as important and hold a special meaning to you, that you've inspired so many of us to stand up for things we believe in and follow our dreams without ever giving up. Love, Rachel and Elice attractive_guy_uk: GILLIAN GOOD LUCK some1atddoor: a good day it`s midnight here lol scully_fbies: hehehe the same to you! desertrose_txf: We love you!!! Keep up your wonderful work!!! i_adoregillian: thank you for being here with us. LOVE YOU! dafonax: Thankyou Gillian. :) lethal_fury: dont go gillian.....stay here with us...... forever !!! at7abx17: Thank you for giving us this time....you are sooo wonderful!!! :o) drmulderdrpicard: we love you......byeeeee annie_from_oz: Thanks Gillian :) oliverrho: Thanks Gillian! Lots of love! xfairy1013: Bye Gillian, thank you :) lilfraze_2000: Thank you, Gillian and Diva! y_chat_diva: Thanks everyone! y_chat_diva: Thanks for ALL your awesome questions! y_chat_diva: Have a GREAT weekend mr_dde: Good day and good night everyone out there!!! y_chat_diva: Ciao all ... see y'around Yahoo! Transcript appears courtesy of Yahoo! Chats. |