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A Huge THANK YOU from NF, Inc.

For the past 5 years you, Gillian Anderson's devoted fans, have made the Annual GAWS On-line Auction a roaring success. This year is no exception. For the second year in a row the proceeds for this extraordinary event have exceeded $140,000. Once again you have exceeded all expectations! Your continued loyalty supports NF, Inc.'s quality programs which are so vital to individuals and families affected with NF.

A special thanks goes out to Gillian Anderson, the Anderson family, Cynthia Schmidt, and to all the celebrities, organizations, and numerous individuals and supporters of NF, Inc. who have made this event possible.

Thank you all so very, very much!

Brenda Duffy
President, Neurofibromatosis, Inc.

just a line

To auction participants, donors, fans and friends of NF

The fifth GAWS auction lived up to the brilliant tradition begun in 1997. Generous participation by scores of wonderful fans and friends raised the wonderful sum of $145,812.16 for NF, Inc. You are surely the best fans in the world.

Virtually everyone knows by now why this auction and this cause are so important to Gillian and the family. Gillian's brother Aaron was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis at age 3. Happily, at age 20 he is very minimally affected by the NF and leads a completely normal life as a university student. Not everyone is so fortunate. Your generosity helps us continue the crusade to find treatment and an eventual cure for neurofibromatosis.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Rosemary Anderson

just a line

To everyone I have ever known that has supported this auction,

THANK YOU! You rock!!

Each year I have been apart of this auction I become more amazed. This year of course was no different. Oh, on the contrary I think of all the auctions this was the most amazing of them all. Not in my wildest dreams did I even think this year’s auction could get close to the total we ended up amassing. What a wonderful way to end. Just truly amazing!

I have several people that I owe an enormous amount of gratitude for making this and past auctions the success they became. So whether they like it or not here we go ...

Becca Sherrill -- So what if we cannot count it all worked, right? Thank you for going through this with me! Without your help there is no way I could have gotten all this done. From editing the items, loading them to the bulk loader, to creating the main logo we used, all the banners, the auction booth. Then all the editing my html errors. Not to mention listening to me every day say how I was quitting, while holding down all the updates on GAWS, taking care of the newsletter and breaking in a new staff member. You must have logged just about as many hours as I did in preparation for the auction and yet somehow managed to go to prom, a Scully marathon and graduate. WOW! THANK YOU!

Wai Wong -- Thank you Wai for all that you do. There is no way this auction and previous auctions could have happened without you. From the stunning printed thank you’s we send out, to the images of most of the items auctioned, of course the ever important certificates of authenticity and everything in between that is created every year. If I said thank you a zillion times it could never come close to being enough. So I will just say thank you. “A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.” - Washington Irving

Brenda Shick -- When you said you were gonna help with getting packing materials you were not kidding huh? I have never in my life seen such a huge roll of bubble wrap. Thank you every so much for again giving up your summer vacation to help pack and mail auction items. I would still be packing and mailing without your help. There is much I have learned from you and more I hope to come. Thank you so much for sharing your time, company, wisdom and much more. There must be someone watching over me as I have been blessed by having some of the finest people my friends. Thank you Brenda!

Mari Garcia -- For always being ever watchful ever vigilant in insuring that my rambles make sense. Of course it takes hours of rambling on the phone to decipher my thinking so it can be corrected on the site, but what the heck talking on the phone is fun. Thank you Mari for making sure when I type that all the words are there, in the correct order and spelled right. People for get how important that is ya know. So many errors happen and it is not exactly the most exciting things to be doing. I know I am not the easiest person to deal with most of the time. But thank you for having the patience with me during some of the most difficult times. Most people would have blocked my calls years ago. Thank you for keeping me grounded!

Brenda Speer -- For cleaning out your closets and then coming to FL and helping me sort through what would soon be auction items. I owe you for more than that, however. One day I hope to be able to provide the support you often offered me with everything. Thank you Brenda.

June MacDonald -- Because of you I finally got to see The House of Mirth this May. Thank you June for always donating many awesome items every year. You always amaze me. Your kindness really does mean more then I can express in words.

Joan Long -- Well, thank you Joan for listening to me ramble along clueless on so many things. Somehow you have always managed to make sure I go the right way.

Access Orlando -- This is the most bestest ISP in the world! Ok for sure Orlando. I can not say enough good things about them. They have always been a major reason why this website is a big success and they bend over backwards to accommodate us during the auction each year. Allen and everyone at AO Thank you!

Yahoo Auctions -- For hosting this year’s auction. Big huge thanks to Ben, Heather and Jeff at Yahoo for making sure we always had what we needed. They rock! It was a wonderful pleasure working with Yahoo and if we decide to do this again next year. Well, I know where I want it hosted, Yahoo!Auctions!

Cathryn Humphris -- For making sure Gillian signed the items and that they got back to me in time to auction them.

Gillian Anderson -- For signing all the stuff and allowing us to do this auction for the past five years.

Rosemary Anderson -- Thank you for everything! Without your help and guidance none of this would have ever happened.

My family -- Eric, my husband, and my two kids Kyle and Jennifer. For putting up with the long hours, living in an X-Files warehouse for three months and helping to mail the items.

I’d also like to thank CJ, The Goldenrod FL Post Office employees, Frank and everyone Sci-Fi City in Orlando, FOX 35 WOFL, Linda, John C, Buddy, Ben, OBSSE, Marice, Conrad, Joel, Bill W, Caroline, Susan, John M, Autumn, Rodger, Jenn, Gumby, Charlie, George, Everyone on the GAList, Big Ed, Shoeless Joe, Helen, Michelle, Penny, Jerry, Shakerbaker, Carl, Craig, Chris, Michael, Kevin, Mr. Black, Becky, the friends I have met at the message boards on GAWS, Star, JR, Mariam, Mary, Liz, Dave, GW, Cool 100’s morning show DJ’s, Chris Baxter, Father Sean, and God.

Thanks for letting me share,

Cynthia Schmidt

just a line

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