August 2002

Hello everyone. I am fully aware that I have been lax in my responses to monthly questions but have been basking in much needed time off from anything to do with anything. I am at present on a solitary retreat to write and also hopefully work on The Play. Which brings me to what seems to be a prevalent question regarding what I might be doing next.

Well, let's see. I will begin rehearsals on a play in London called "What The Night Is For" at the beginning of October. The run of the play will take me until the end of February. Then at the end of March I will be shooting a movie, once again in England for a few weeks but the details on that I am afraid are not for public consumption yet. I then hope to take a month off before either possibly doing the play in NY or working on Speed Of Light some more or another project I am co-producing with a screenwriter who is adapting a book that I will star in and yet it is highly possible that by the end of next year the X-Files movie will be ready to shoot or God forbid I will need to take some real time off to do absolutely nothing instead of say, traveling alone through Africa for a month which I did this summer which was extraordinary but exhausting . But you see here, all is up in the air and yet there are many possibilities. And here too is the dilemma that I have just executed a run-on sentence purely about me me me and that in itself makes me cringe.

And then there was a question from someone who worked on the X-f crew who mentioned that the gaters were taken away sometime after an evening when I went a little batty on one of them and good gosh I had no idea they were taken away and I am very sorry if I had anything to do with that and more importantly yes I am spending more time with my daughter and I cannot tell you how much it has transformed our relationship and how much in love we are and I would recommend it to anyone who thinks they should spend more time with their kids but can't seem to fit it in. Because ultimately it is not quantity but quality that counts and yet sometimes when our lives are so filled to the brim, even the downtime feels rushed and frantic and our kids pick up on it. Breath. It's all about breath I am finding. In everything. (not that you could tell by my stream of consciousness diatribe) In how we are in our bodies and how we are in the presence of others. To take a moment to breathe in this moment and fully be here in mind body and spirit even when ones mind wants to wander over calls that "need" to be made or where one left ones sunglasses. It is so HARD!!!!! And yet this, this moment is all we have.

And that is all I have to say.

Oh, and everyone has to pick up my new favorite c.d. by Damien Rice called "O." It's mandatory listening.

Oh, and hot water and lemon is the best! It's better than tea. A little stevia. A whole lemon. What am I talking about? You'd think I just invented the damn thing. Okay, that really is enough.



